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Pubblicazioni Internazionali IF

A blockchain implementation prototype for the electronic open source traceability of wood along the whole supply chain.

Figorilli S., Antonucci F., Costa C., Pallottino F., Raso L., Castiglione M., Pinci E., Del Vecchio D., Colle G., Proto A.R., Sperandio G., Menesatti P., 2018.
Sensors, 18, 3133.

A Review on blockchain applications in the agri-food sector.

Antonucci F., Figorilli S., Costa C., Pallottino F., Raso L., Menesatti P., 2019
Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, 99: 6129–6138.

Problematiche nella rivelazione non distruttiva dei difetti interni di tuberi di patata cv “El Beida”

Ibrahim, A., Grassi M., Lovati F., Parisi B., Spinelli L., Torricelli A., Rizzolo A., Vanoli M., 2019.
Abstract presentato al Convegno Postraccolta dei prodotti ortoflorofrutticoli, 28-29 Ottobre, Università degli Studi di Milano.

Optoelectronic proximal sensing vehicle-mounted technologies in precision agriculture: a review.

Pallottino F., Antonucci F., Costa C., Bisaglia C., Figorilli S., Menesatti P., 2019
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 162: 859-873.

Valutazione non distruttiva del contenuto in antociani e caroteni in diversi genotipi di patata con spettroscopia di riflettanza risolta nel tempo.

Vanoli M., Spinelli L., Torricelli A., Ibrahim A., Parisi B., Lo Scalzo R., Rizzolo A., 2019.
Abstract presentato al Convegno Postraccolta dei prodotti ortoflorofrutticoli, 28-29 Ottobre, Università degli Studi di Milano.

Food traceability: a term map analysis basic review.

Violino S., Antonucci F., Pallottino F., Cecchini C., Figorilli S., Costa C., 2019.
European Food Research and Technology, 245: 2089-2099.

Precision aquaculture: a short review on engineering innovations.

Antonucci F., Costa C., 2020.
Aquaculture International, 28: 41–57.

Light drone-based application to assess soil tillage quality parameters.

Fanigliulo R., Antonucci F., Figorilli S., Pochi D., Pallottino F., Fornaciari L., Grilli R., Costa C., 2020.
Sensors, 20, 728.

Efficiency of an ANC system in the tractor cabin under controlled engine workload.

Fanigliulo, R.; Del Duca, L.; Fornaciari, L.; Grilli, R.; Tomasone, R.; Pochi, D., 2020.
Noise Control Engineering Journal, 68(5), 339-357.

Potential blockchain applications in animal production and health sector.

Makkar, H. P. S., Costa, C., 2020.
CAB Reviews, 15(035), 1-8.

Greenhouse application of light-drone imaging technology for assessing weeds severity occurring on baby-leaf red lettuce beds approaching fresh-cutting.

Pallottino, F., Pane, C., Figorilli, S., Pentangelo, A., Antonucci., F., Costa, 2020.
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 18(3), e0207.

Canopy Index evaluation for precision management in an intensive olive orchard.

Assirelli, A., Romano, E., Bisaglia, C., Lodolini, E. M., Neri, D., Brambilla, M., 2021.
Sustainability, 13, 8266. ISSN: 2071-1050.

Spatial Variations of Vegetation Index from Remote Sensing Linked to Soil Colloidal Status.

Bascietto, M., Santangelo, E., Beni, C., 2021.
Land, 10(1), 80

From Conventional to Precision Fertilization: A Case Study on the Transition for a Small-Medium Farm.

Brambilla, M., Romano, E., Toscano, P., Cutini, M., Biocca, M., Ferré, C., Comolli, R., Bisaglia, C., 2021.
AgriEngineering, 3(2), 438–446.

Near infrared spectroscopy and aquaphotomics evaluation of the efficiency of solar dehydration processes in pineapple slices.

Cattaneo, T.M.P., Cutini, M., Stellari, A., Marinoni, L., Bisaglia, C., Brambilla, M., 2021.
Journal of Near Infrared Spectroscopy 2021, Vol. 0/0, p. 1-7, Special Issue: NIRItalia2021, accepted 4 October 2021, in press.

An open-source low-cost device coupled with an adaptative time-lag time series linear forecasting modelling for apple Trentino (Italy) precision irrigation.

Figorilli, S., Pallottino, F., Colle, G., Spada, D., Beni, C., Tocci, F., Vasta, S., Antonucci, F., Pagano, M., Fedrizzi, M., Costa, C., 2021.
Sensors, 21(8), 2656.

Functional Hyperspectral Imaging by High-Related Vegetation Indices to Track the Wide-Spectrum Trichoderma Biocontrol Activity Against Soil-Borne Diseases of Baby-Leaf Vegetables.

Manganiello, G., Nicastro, N., Caputo, M., Zaccardelli, M., Cardi, T., Pane C., 2021.
Frontiers in Plant Science, 12, 630059.

Rose: A new host plant of Fusarium clavum (F. incarnatum-equiseti species complex 5) causing brown spot of petals.

Manganiello, G., Traversari, S., Nesi, B., Cacini, S., Pane, C., 2021.
Crop Protection, 146, 105675.

Early Estimation of Olive Production from Light Drone Orthophoto, through Canopy Radius.

Ortenzi, L., Violino, S., Pallottino, F., Figorilli, S., Vasta, S., Tocci, F., Antonucci F, Imperi, G, Costa, C., 2021.
Drones, 5(4), 118.

Light Drones for Basic In-Field Phenotyping and Precision Farming Applications: RGB Tools Based on Image Analysis.

Pallottino, F., Figorilli, S., Cecchini, C., Costa, C., 2021.
In Crop Breeding (pp. 269-278). Humana, New York, NY.

Powdery Mildew Caused by Erysiphe cruciferarum on Wild Rocket (Diplotaxis tenuifolia): Hyperspectral Imaging and Machine Learning Modeling for Non-Destructive Disease Detection.

Pane, C., Manganiello, G., Nicastro, N., Cardi, T., Carotenuto, F., 2021.
Agriculture, 11, 337.

Methodology for the definition of durum wheat yield homogeneous zones by using satellite spectral indices.

Romano, E., Bergonzoli, S., Pecorella, I., Bisaglia, C., De Vita, P., 2021.
Remote Sensing, 13(11), 2036. ISSN: 2072-4292.

Semi-Automatic Guidance vs. Manual Guidance in Agriculture: A Comparison of Work Performance in Wheat Sowing.

Scarfone, A., Picchio, R., del Giudice, A., Latterini, F., Mattei, P., Santangelo, E., Assirelli, A., 2021.
Electronics, 10(7), 825.

Precision Agriculture Digital Technologies for Sustainable Fungal Disease Management of Ornamental Plants.

Traversari, S., Cacini, S., Galieni, A., Nesi, B., Nicastro, N., Pane, C., 2021.
Sustainability, 13, 3707.


Pubblicazioni nazionali divulgative

Miglioramento genetico della barbabietola da zucchero, con applicazione di sensoristica finalizzato al risparmio idrico nell’ambito degli adattamenti al cambiamento climatico.

Alberti, I., Costa, C., Montanari, M., Pallottino, F., Colombo, M., Pieri, S., Ortenzi, L., Campagna G., 2020.
L’industria saccarifera italiana, 113(5), 78-88.

Alta tecnologia per difendere le baby leaf.

Pane C., Nicastro N., 2020.
Terra e Vita, 31, 40-44.

High-tech e baby-leaf.

Pane C., Nicastro N., 2020.
Colture Protette, 9, 28-33.

Prevenire le fitopatie su rucola con i sensori iperspettrali.

Manganiello, G., Pentangelo, A., Nicastro, N., Pane, C., 2021.
L’Informatore Agrario, 16, 42-44.

Nuovi sistemi di supporto a elevata integrazione.

Nesi B., Traversari, S., Pane C., Cacini S., 2021.
Colture Protette, 2, 50-53.

Nelle baby-leaf la tecnologia incontra la filiera.

Pane, C., Pallottino, F., Cortellino, G., Amodio, M.L., Cardi, T., Costa, C., 2021.
Colture Protette, 07, 26-29.


Atti di convegno

Detecting downy mildew symptoms on wild rocket leaves by hyperspectral imaging. Proceedings of the XXV Congress of the Italian Phytopathological Society (SIPaV).

Santonicola L., Villecco D., Pentangelo A., Pane C., 2019.
J Plant Pathol 101, 811–848

Application of remote sensing for phenotyping the percentage of soil coverage in durum wheat under different soil management conditions.

Azevedo, C.V.G., Pecorella, I., Fania, F., Vitale, P., Pecchioni, N., De Vita, P., 2020.
Abstract and oral presentation on XI International Symposium on Genetics and Breeding. October 26-28, Viçosa, Brazil.

First tests on a prototype device for the active control of whole-body vibrations on agricultural tractors.

Pochi, D; Fornaciari, L.; Grilli, R.; Betto, M.; Benigni, S.; Fanigliulo, R., 2020.
In: Coppola, A., Di Renzo, G.C., Altieri, G., D’Antonio, P. (Eds.) Innovative Biosystems Engineering for Sustainable Agriculture, Forestry and Food Production. MID-TERM AIIA 2019, September 12-13, Matera (Italy). “Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering” Book Series, vol. 67, 661-670. Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland.

Food quality and process investigated through water absorption variations in NIR range.

Cattaneo, T.M.P., 2021.
Oral presentation at 4th Aquaphotomics International Conference March 20-22, Kobe Japan (on line Conference).

Remot controls of solar drier micro-plants for process standardization.

Cattaneo, T.M.P., Bisaglia, C., Cammerata, A., Stellari, A., Romano E., 2020
Proceedings at International Conference Safety Health Welfare in Agro-Systems. RAGUSA SHWA - September 16-19, Ragusa, Italy

NIRS and Aquaphotomics for the Evaluation of the Efficiency of Solar Dehydration Processes.

Cattaneo, T.M.P., Cutini, M., Stellari, A., Marinoni, L., Bisaglia, C., Brambilla, M., 2021.
Book of Abstract al Simposio Nazionale NIRItalia, pp.94-95; 24-25 febbraio (on line Conference).

Food process safety investigated through NIR water absorption variations.

Cattaneo, T. M.P., Marinoni, L., Cammerata, A., Stellari, A., Brambilla, M., Romano, E., 2021.
(9 pagine) submitted for publication in SHWA proceedings - VI RAGUSA SHWA - On Line - 15th – 16th September 2021.

Encouraging the adoption of precision fertilization technologies: steps from theory to practice.

Cutini, M., Bisaglia, C., Romano, E., Brambilla, M., Assirelli, A., 2021. 
EurAgEng 2021. New Challenges for Agricultural Engineering towards a Digital World. July 5-8, Evora, Portugal.

Monitoring wild rocket Fusarium wilting by applying deep learning model to hyperspectral data.

Manganiello, G., Carotenuto, F., Nicastro, N., Cardi, T., Pane C., 2021.
Proceedings of XXVI National Congress of Italian Phytopathological Society, September 15-17, 2021, p. 9.

Hyperspectral and thermal imaging to oversee the Trichoderma biocontrol efficacy against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lactucae.

Manganiello, G., Nicastro, N., Ortenzi, L., Costa, C., Pallottino, F., Cardi, T., Pane, C., 2021.
Proceedings of XXVI National Congress of Italian Phytopathological Society, September 15-17, 2021, p. 36.

The Aquaphotomics and E-nose approaches to evaluate the shelf life of ready-to-eat rocket salad.

Marinoni, L., Bianchi, G., Cattaneo, T.M.P., 2021.
Abstract book of 20th International Conference on Near Infrared Spectroscopy: “Sense the real Change”, Beijing, China, 18-21 October 2021, poster – flash presentation, P101, p. 304. Online Conference.

Monitoring the uniformity of soil permeability for orchard precision irrigation.

Romano, E., Bergonzoli, S., Abu El Khair, D., Comolli, R., Ferrè, C., Bisaglia, C., 2021. 
Acta Horticolturae (ISHS) 1314: 99-108 Proceedings of the International Symposium on Precision Management of Orchards and Vineyards.
ISBN: 978-94-6261-312-6.

Models on micrometeorological parameters for fungal pathogen spread prediction.

Traversari, S., Battista, P., Massa, D., Nesi, B., Pane, C., Rapi, B., Romani, M., Sabatini, F., Cacini, S., 2021. 
Virtual Edition of Plant Science for Climate Emergency, 7-8 giugno 2021, Book of abstract, pp. 11.

Setting up of alert systems for the early detection of fungal diseases on Rosa spp.

Traversari, S., Battista, P., Massa, D., Nesi, B., Pane, C., Rapi, B., Romani, M., Sabatini, F., Cacini, S., 2021.
XIII Giornate scientifiche SOI, Catania 22-23 giugno 2021. Acta Italus Hortus 26, pp. 223.

Digital tools for the early detection of grey mould symptoms on rose plants.

Traversari, S., Nicastro, N., Nesi, B., Nin, S., Ortenzi, L., Pallottino, F., Pane, C., Cacini, S., 2021. 
XIII Giornate scientifiche SOI, Catania 22-23 giugno 2021. Acta Italus Hortus 26, pp. 215.


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